Lawford C of E Primary School
High quality learning and caring together in an encouraging Christian environment.
⭐️⭐️Welcome to Year 3D ⭐️ ⭐️
⭐️⭐️⭐️Spring Term 2025⭐️⭐️⭐️
An overview to our learning for this term…
Key Concepts - Identity, change, fairness, conflict, care and power.
Our enquiry question….
How do natural disasters impact humans?
Humanities - (topic) Children will learn about earthquakes and volcanoes and locate these on world maps.
Children will name and locate counties, cities and rivers using maps, atlases and globes to locate countries.
Science - we will investigate magnets and forces.
English - Twisted traditional tales focusing on the book 'The True Story of the Three Little Pigs.' We will then be looking at newspaper reports and creating our own broadcast using green screen technology to create a news report on earthquakes and volcanoes.
Spellings - following no-nonsense spelling programme and specific year 3/4 words that feature in our talk for writing text in English.
Class reading text - The Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith.
Maths - we will develop our knowledge on multiplication and division, look at length and perimeter, fractions and mass and capacity.
RE - Philosophy unit - How do people make moral decisions.
PE - Spring Term 1 - Dance (Monday) and Squash (Thursday).
Spring Term 2 - Gymnastics with coach Sam and Boot camp.
Art/DT - Look at the life and works of George Seurat.
Design and sculpt a volcano as part of a team.
Computing - digital literacy. Online identity - How can I be me online?
⭐️⭐️Welcome to Year 3D ⭐️ ⭐️
⭐️⭐️⭐️Autumn Term 2024⭐️⭐️⭐️
An overview to our learning for this term…
Key Concepts - Identity, change, fairness, conflict, care and power.
Our enquiry question….
How do we get from Stone Age to Steel?
Our class text - Stig of the Dump.
Humanities (Topic) - Stone Age
We will look at and label a time line and record changes from Stone Age to Iron Age which will include Neolithic hunter-gatherers, hill forts: tribal kingdoms, farming, art and culture. We will also have a 'Stone Age Day' (dress up day) in Autumn term 2.
Science - Rocks and Soils
Class Trip to Walton - planned for September.
Literacy - (class text - The Stone Age Boy, Autumn 1, The Tunnel, Autumn 2).
Creating our own adventure stories.
Looking at characters and settings.
Year three/common exception words.
Maths - Children will begin by recognising place value up to 1,000 and solve simple problems using written and mental methods, multiplication in year three will concentrate on 3,4, 6 and 8 times tables.
RE - We will look at Islam, Hinduism and Christianity.
PE - Monday and Thursday - Cricket and Netball. (Autumn Term 1)
Computing - Digital Skills
Music - We will use Charanga and also introduce 'toots and flutes'.
French - The children will begin by saying and recognising phrases.