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Lawford C of E Primary School

High quality learning and caring together in an encouraging Christian environment.

2W ( Miss Woods)

Welcome to 2W

Take a look at what we have been getting up to this term...

This is our wonderful classroom...

Summer Term 


Our enquiry question is…


How do I know I am at the Seaside?

Lighthouse Artwork 

Spring Term 


Our enquiry question is...


What are the differences between life in Kenya and life in the UK?

Our end of unit Podcasts…


We have been using Atlases to locate the continent Africa and the country Kenya. 

Landscapes of Kenya

We learnt about the different landscapes of Kenya and created them using junk modelling. 

In Maths we’ve been exploring money and learning how to add the coins together. We even have a shop role play area to support our skills of using money. 

Our trip to the Zoo! 

Science - Living things and their habitats


We went on a hunt round our school grounds to find microhabitats. We took a photo on the iPad and edited the photo by drawing what animals/insects we would find there. 

Newspaper reports based on The Great Fire of London. 

Autumn Term 1


Our enquiry question is...


What are the differences between life in the Polar Regions and life in the UK?



We have been learning what the seven continents and the five oceans are. We used playdough to map the world map and at labels. We even learnt a fun song to help us remember!

Science - Animals including Humans 


In Science we have been exploring animals and humans and learning what they need in order to survive. We have also learnt why it is important to eat healthily and the impact that exercise has on our bodies. 

Our Art Pathway


In Art this half term we have been exploring natural objects, we've becoming explorers and creators! We have created art work using natural objects and explored them through different media. 

Bonfire Night Poetry 

We have been exploring acrostic poems in English. We learnt about onomatopoeia, similes and alliteration which we used in our poems. Take a look at our fantastic final pieces...

Firework poem...

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In Computing we have been developing our digital skills on our iPads and Desktops. We've learnt how to use Padlet, download files and edit documents. We've even created our very own radio interviews sharing what we have learnt about Information Technology. 

Lawford Noise Radio Interview

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