Lawford C of E Primary School
High quality learning and caring together in an encouraging Christian environment.
Our children will be creative, inquisitive, supportive and honest learners, who are ambitious for themselves. The Christian ethos of our school community will teach them to be safe, kind and responsible - striving to be their best. They will be independent, resilient, and tolerant - respecting their environment and others.
Lawford CE Primary School is an inclusive school. We believe that all children have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum, which is accessible to them, and to be fully included in all aspects of school life. We strive to maintain a loving and caring school community where everyone feels welcome, secure and valued.
Inspired by God’s love for us, we care for and protect His children and reach out to help others flourish in their journey to the fullness of life.
The curriculum at Lawford consists of many planned experiences in school and out: lessons, trips and in school visitors, school council, assemblies, clubs, sports, residential camps, fund raising, and community work. Outcomes are designed to meet the requirements of the new National Curriculum, but also to develop the skills needed for learning and for life, focusing on the whole child and recognising the importance of all aspects of a child’s life. The school has linked its curriculum to broader curriculum concepts: justice, care, conflict, change, fairness, power and identity
Our vibrant and rich curriculum is designed so that the subject specific skills are scaffolded within a cross-curricular theme or context each term. In order to ensure that progression and balance is maintained, the programmes of study are then developed into medium term plans which clearly highlight the learning objectives, assessment opportunities, methods of retrieval and scaffolding techniques. as well as links to other subjects. Teachers then translate these plans into smaller units – weekly, daily plans where the specific needs of the learners are addressed.
Through carefully chosen KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators)/skills, we assess children’s needs and measure impact on progress and attainment and, as such, teaching is carefully tailored to meet the needs of all the children.
If, after reading the above, you have any further queries, please contact your child's class teacher.