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Lawford C of E Primary School

High quality learning and caring together in an encouraging Christian environment.

School Clubs

School Led Clubs


Information about School led clubs is sent out to parents each term.  Due to school budgets and increasing costs of running many of the clubs, a fee will be charged for most clubs each term to help with the cost of resources. To sign their child up parents pay the sign up fee.  Places are available on a first-come-first-served basis. 


School led clubs usually run for 10 weeks each termDue to practical considerations, clubs are only available to particular year groups and are limited to a maximum number.  For some clubs, there is a minimum number of children needed to make the club viable to run. 



Please note - Privately Run Clubs:


Matthew Watson Tennis - Tuesday mornings, 7.45 – 8.45am for children in KS2. Details are published on Classdojo.  Sign up is direct with Matthew Watson and parents pay Matthew directly. 


Little Musketeers Fencing - Wednesdays mornings, 7.45 – 8.45am for children in Years 1-6.  Details are published on Classdojo.  Parents sign up online and pay the provider direct.  


Off The Wall Squash - Thursday mornings, 7.45 – 8.45am for children in KS2 if there is sufficient interest.  Details are published on Classdojo and parents asked to contact Mrs Glasgow to register their interest. Cost depends on numbers. 


Creation Station - Thursday after school.  Details are published on Classdojo. Sign up is direct with the provider via their website ( and parents pay the provider directly. Sign up is half termly and a waiting list is held by the provider.


Gymnastics - Sign up is direct with the provider via their website ( Parents sign up online and pay the provider direct.


