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Lawford C of E Primary School

High quality learning and caring together in an encouraging Christian environment.


Geography at Lawford C of E Primary School 


At Lawford C of E Primary school our Geography curriculum has been designed to ensure the pupils’ have an understanding and appreciation for the world around them. Our pupils acknowledge how geographical findings shape and impact our daily life. Our curriculum equips our pupils with the knowledge and skills to understand both physical and human impacts. We provide our pupils with unique experiences to enthuse their learning and develop curiosity and fascination of the world they live in.


Geography is taught as part of a termly or half-termly topic, focusing on knowledge and skills stated in the National Curriculum. The topics use an enquiry based approached with an overarching key question. Each topic begins with a KL grid which allows the pupils’ to be part of future enquiry and learning.


As a school we have devised our own skill progression in which the geographical skills are developed and built upon in each year.


We ensure a cross curricular approach to all our geography topics and plan ambitious sequences of lessons. We record our learning in many different ways, in EYFS and KS1 we use floor books to document our journey of our learning.


We provide our pupils with unique experiences such as trips, residential trips, visitors and WOW days. These opportunities bring our topics to life and ignite enthusiasm about the learning.


We have six key concepts; care, fairness, conflict, change, identity and power. These concepts underpin our curriculum and allow our pupils to make links in their learning. These concepts are developed and built upon each year.

Here's some of the amazing learning happening in Geography at the moment...




Progression of Skills documents
