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Lawford C of E Primary School

High quality learning and caring together in an encouraging Christian environment.

Parent Questionnaires

Parent Questionnaires March 2018

Please find the latest responses to our questionnaire which was made available at parent consultations in the spring term. We had 149 responses and we will make the Year 4 questionnaires available at the consultations in the summer term.


Outcomes from Parental Questionnaires March 2018

Outcomes From Foundation Stage Parent Questionnaire Autumn 2017


17 questionnaires returned (59%) Not all questions have been answered so the numbers will not always be out of 17. Each reply represents 6%.



(Please tick.)

Strongly agree



Strongly disagree



The induction period (picnic, taster sessions and visits to nurseries etc.) was helpful in preparing my child for school.

12 (71%)

5 (29%)




My child enjoys school and is happy at school

14 (82%)

3 (18%)




My child feels safe at school.


13 (76%)

4 (24%)




I am happy with the communication between school and home.

8 (47%)

8 (47%)

1 (6%)



Homework activities are relevant, interesting and fun.

10 (59%)

7 (41%)




Staff take account of my suggestions and concerns.

9 (56%)

7 (44%)




Overall, I am happy with my child’s start at school.

12 (71%)

5 (29%)




If you want to explain any of your answers, or if there is anything else you want write below please give details here.


  • Some of the emails sent home after the first few weeks – such as information about the Proud Cloud would have been more helpful to learn about earlier on. The Bug Club information wasn’t all that clear until a letter was sent home. Overall we are very happy though.
  • My child is thriving and happy! It’s fantastic to see him so excited to learn.
  • The only thing that has not been terribly easy is the morning drop off in the big playground. It feels daunting. The playground staff are very kind but I have to walk her all the way to avoid upset.
  • We are really happy with our child’s start to school life – she is blossoming! Thank you so much.
  • Our child was overwhelmed at the picnic but came into his own when his Y6 Buddy started playing sports with him. He is keen to learn and appears happy. He has not said anything to make us feel he isn’t safe at school.
  • The half day inductions confused our child as he wanted to do all day. I think perhaps full days for 2 or 3 days for a week of the induction period would have been helpful for him personally rather than 5 half days. But I do understand it’s difficult to cover all different needs.
  • Haven’t experienced question number 6 yet. I would appreciate more communication overall.
  • Playtimes may perhaps be making our child feel vulnerable as he is experiencing a period of unsettlement at school. But I think he enjoys his time in the classroom.



Whole School Parental Questionnaire March 2017




Autumn 2016 Foundation Stage Parent Questionnaire Data


At Lawford C of E Primary School we are constantly reflecting upon our provision and practice. Thank you to the 23 parents (77%) who returned the questionnaire. 5% represents one questionnaire. Here are the findings:




Strongly agree



Strongly disagree



The induction period (picnic, taster sessions and visits to nurseries etc.) was helpful in preparing my child for school.

15 (65%)

7 (30%)

1 (5%)




My child enjoys school and is happy at school

18 (78%)

5 (22%)




My child feels safe at school.


17 (74%)

6 (26%)




I am happy with the communication between school and home.

9 (39%)

14 (61%)




Homework activities are relevant, interesting and fun.

12 (52%)

9 (39%)

2 (9%)



Staff take account of my suggestions and concerns.

10 (43%)

6 (26%)

7 left blank


Overall, I am happy with my child’s start at school.

15 (65%)

8 (35%)




If you want to explain any of your answers, or if there is anything else you want write below please give details here.


What is Working Well (WWW)

  • My child has had an excellent start to school – thank you to everyone involved!
  • We are very pleased with how well our child has settled into reception, she loves her new school and her reception class!
  • Our child has found the school transition very easy. He has coped brilliantly. Thank you for helping him to settle in so well!
  • Our child has enjoyed his first few weeks, he is settling in but on the whole seems happy. He seems eager to please
  • My child has settled in really well and the induction helped her to settle so I’m really impressed.
  • My child loved the taster session she attended


Even Better If (EBI)


  • Think the two week induction was too long.
  • I feel that it would have been beneficial to have experienced some morning sessions as well as the afternoon sessions prior to starting full time (x3 comments on this theme)


The two week induction allows the teacher to get to know the children really well as they are working with a smaller group of children and can adapt their practices more readily to the needs of the children during this time. Ironically the timings were changed from the timetable last year due to feedback from the previous Foundation Stage parents some of who found it confusing changing from one session to another. We will consider this again for the next cohort.


  • There is sometimes a great deal of emails etc all coming out close together which can lead to information overload!


Do to the very nature of the academic year, there will always be more communication at the beginning. This is a difficult one to address as some parents feel that there is not enough communication. We are using our website more and posting communication on the latest news section and on class pages. However this is not used by all parents. We will continue to take this into consideration (hence the paper copy today!)


  • I think more could have been made visiting and introducing teachers to the children at nurseries other than Little Pumpkins


The Foundation Stage teacher or Teaching Assistant attends all settings from which our intake feed in from. We are conscious that this means that they are out of the classroom on these occasions and more visits would mean that the current Foundation Stage class have different adults in their class to cover the teacher or TA being out. Again we will look at this.


  • I think reading is enough in reception and we should not have the pressure of additional homework (x2 comments)


This is a difficult one to address; some parents would like more and some would like less. The idea of only having to choose 4 out of a possible range of 12 (which can all be done if a child wants to!) is a compromise which is working well. The activities in FS have been pitched to be fun and easily incorporated into home life, e.g. finding shapes around the house.


  • I don’t think ice creams should be sold at the school picnic. The focus was on queuing rather than playing


We will look at a different system for next year and ensure that children do not have to queue. Playtime and bonding with their buddy are far more important activities.


  • Drop off has been confusing. I think there should be a meeting in the first week to talk parents through everything which would help smooth the process and help new and old parents.


There was an evening for the new parents of this September’s intake on the 14th June to explain procedures and show parents what to expect. However we can look at an informal meeting in addition to this once children start full time or at least send out clear instructions in the form of written communication or post this on the class page of the website.


We have been amazed at how ‘school ready’ this current cohort have been, even at lunchtime which has been commented on by dinner ladies. Thank you for providing feedback. Whilst we may not be able to be able to please 100% parents in every area on the questionnaire, rest assured we are listening and constantly reflecting on our practices and procedures. Thank you.


Donna Wenden - Headteacher



