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Lawford C of E Primary School

High quality learning and caring together in an encouraging Christian environment.

School Partnership Working

Constable Collaborative Partnership (CCP)


‘The Constable Collaborative Partnership (CCP) leads its staff, children and community to excellence.  To drive continuous improvement, it develops and shares staff expertise.  It is ambitious for the growth of the whole child.’


The CCP works in partnership to develop its action plan for continuous school improvement based on the following areas: excellence, ambition, ‘whole child’ and community.  Each aspect of our partnership has been broken into a range of activities/areas of collaboration, which will improve the school experience and outcomes for all its children.



Whole Child


Peer review including use of partnership Evaluation Tool and action planning

Careers – pooling the expertise of parents across the CCP

School Council links including membership of the Multi Schools’ Council (MSC)

Local church links

Joint CPD (including both training hosted for all 3 schools and opportunities for staff to join each other’s internal CPD as part of individual professional development)

Competitions – sports, academic, and arts – for all abilities

Festivals – e.g. dance, music , debating, and sport

Local events – Tendring Show, Earth festival

Moderation of work

Shared support to staff completing NPQs

Parent workshops including e-safety, transition, SEND, and wellbeing

Charitable giving/events

ECT Support

Collective voice within local area for example within the Local Delivery Group (LDG), secondary schools and transition.

Adventurous activities e.g. mud run and Sailing

Links with Pre-schools

Shared expertise ( Opportunities for collaboration specifically between roles e.g. SENCOs, deputies, subject leaders, year groups)


Online clubs across the schools e.g. book club


Shared governor training and co-opting to boards





CCP Governor Training


Joint governor training between the three schools takes place once a term.  It will cover over a year an update on the latest DfE initiatives like the changes to the attendance, exclusions and behaviour guidance.  Governors receive annual safeguarding training.

