Lawford C of E Primary School
High quality learning and caring together in an encouraging Christian environment.
Introduction from the Chair of Governors
The Governing Body of Lawford Primary School is made up of Church Governors, elected Parent Governors, Local Authority Governor and Staff Governors, including the Head Teacher. Governors are appointed on a four year basis.
The four core strategic functions of the Lawford Primary School Governing Body are:
1. Ensuring the clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school.
2. Supportively holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that its money is well spent.
4. Overseeing the wellbeing of all those in the Lawford Primary School Community
The school’s Governors are all volunteers, with varied educational and working backgrounds, whose common interest is in ensuring Lawford Primary School remains the stimulating learning environment that it is, and that it continues to improve as the community inevitably grows.
Vacancies arise for new Governors from time to time. If you are interested in becoming a governor and feel you can contribute to the Governing Body, please do speak to the head teacher or the Chair of Governors.
For more information on what the role involves, the Governance Handbook is available here -
Current Governors
Karen Livingston
Chair of Governors
Foundation Governor
As a former pupil of the school, I was delighted that my children have attended Lawford from 2011 to 2022, where they enjoyed happy and confident schooling during their primary years. My specific responsibilities as Governor include EYFS, Behaviour and Equalities monitoring as well as Admissions, Standards and Pay committees and Assessment. I am currently Head of MFL at Colchester Royal Grammar School as well as teaching Pilates in the local community.
Teresa Cole
DBE Foundation governor appointed December 2021
More details to follow
Anna Deane
Vice Chair of Governors
Appointed Foundation Governor in May 2018
Francis Franks
Foundation Governor
I joined the school community in 1997 when my eldest child started in Reception year, I was finally able to hang-up the school run shoes in July 2016. I’ve been a Governor since the 2003/4 school year.
Occupation: - Civil Servant.
Interests: - Music, as part of St Mary’s choir and hand-bell team and the East Anglian Hand Team, messing about in small sailing boats.
Nicola Hunt
Foundation Governor
Originally elected as Parent governor November 2020
Helen Whitehead
Parent Governor elected March 2023
Chris Lawson Jones
PCC Foundation Governor
Anna Skudder
Parent Governor elected October 2023
I am a parent to two children who attend the school. It has been lovely watching them learn and thrive. I enjoy having an active role in the school community. My responsibilities as a governor include science and PE monitoring as well as health and safety.
The staff governors are:
Leanne Harding - SENCo
Terry Webb - School Caretaker
Headteacher - Abigail Fairbairn - ex officio
The function and remit of the committees are:
Standards and Safeguarding: A committee operating under the delegation of the Full Governing Body to ensure that the school meets the requirements of the National curriculum, to receive reports on implementation of standards and safeguarding in all respects and reports to the Full Governing Body.
Resources: A committee operating under the delegation of the Full Governing Body to view progress on premises, school finance and personnel matters and report back to the Full Governing Body.
Admissions: A committee operating under the delegation of the Full Governing Body to discharge the functions conferred on it by relevant Education Acts and Regulations; to determine and review the admissions policy for the school; to rank all applications in accordance with the current determined admissions policy and to ensure the school continues to serve the needs of the whole community and compliance with the School Admissions Code.
Pay: A committee operating under the delegation of the Full Governing Body that deals with all staff pay matters (with the exception of the headteacher) and implements pay policy with consideration to staff performance.
Pay Appeals: A committee operating under the delegation of the Full Governing Body to consider any appeals against decisions of the Pay Committee.
Pupil Discipline: The Governing Body can delegate some or all of its functions in respect of exclusions to a committee consisting of at least three governors and such a committee may be called the Pupil Discipline Committee where one has been established.
Staff Discipline/Dismissal: To consider disciplinary matters and dismissals where these functions have not been delegated to the Headteacher under the Staffing Regulations 2009 or, in the case of discipline, where the Headteacher has had detailed prior involvement.
Staff Discipline/Dismissal Appeals: To consider any appeals against decisions by the Headteacher/Staff Disciplinary/Dismissal Committee.
Current Governing Body Members (2024-25)
Updated Jan 25
Name | Date Appointed/Reappointed | Category & Appointed by | Term of Office Ends | |
Teresa Cole | 16.12.21 | Foundation DBE | 15.12.25 | |
Anna Skudder |
| Parent (Elected) |
| |
Anna Deane | 09.05.22 | Foundation | 08.05.26 | |
Abigail Fairbairn | 01.09.18 | Headteacher ex-officio | ex officio | |
Francis Franks | 01.09.21 | Foundation PCC | 31.08.25 | |
Leanne Harding | 07.10.20 | Staff (Elected) | 06.10.24 | |
Karen Livingston (Chair of Governors) | 28.10.20 | Foundation PCC | 27.10.24 | |
Rev Dom Turner | 20.09.22 | Ex Officio | Ex officio | |
Terry Webb | 01.09.21 | Co-opted | 31.08.25 | |
Former Governing Body Members – current and previous academic year | ||||
Name | Date Appointed | Category & Appointed by | Date of leaving | |
Revd Paul Greenland | 03.01.23 | Foundation PCC | 13.07.23 | |
Richard Heath | 01.09.21 | Foundation DBE | 20.12.24 | |
Jaco Neethling | 14.12.20 | Local Authority | 13.12.24 | |
Revised 10/10/24
Standards & Safeguarding Committee
Teresa Cole
Anna Deane
Francis Franks
Leanne Harding
Karen Livingston
Helen Whitehead
Resources Committee
Anna Skudder
Nicola Hunt
Chris Lawson Jones
Rev Dom Turner
Terry Webb
Admissions Committee
Francis Franks Beverley Kekwick (Clerk)
Teresa Cole
Karen Livingston
Pay Committee Pay Appeal Committee
Francis Franks
Nicola Hunt Second and third member to be nominated from CCP pool
Karen Livingston
Headteacher's Performance Review Committee
Karen Livingston
Francis Franks
Pupil Exclusion Committee*
3 Governors to be selected including from other CCP Governors if necessary
Staff Discipline/Dismissal Committee*
3 Governors to be selected including from other CCP Governors if necessary, but excluding Staff Governors
Staff Discipline/Dismissal Appeals Committee*
3 Governors to be selected including from other CCP Governors if necessary but excluding Staff Governors and the Governors who formed the related Staff Discipline Committee.
Complaints Review Panel
3 Governors depending on the nature of the complaint.
Governor Name | Date |
Interests Declared Business Interest form completed and submitted |
Teresa Cole | 13/09/22 | Nil declaration |
Anna Deane | 13/09/22 | Nil declaration |
Abbie Fairbairn | 07/09/22 | Governor Brightlingsea Primary School and Nursery |
Francis Franks | 06/09/22 | Nil declaration |
Leanne Harding | 13/09/22 | Nil declaration |
Nicola Hunt | 13/09/22 | Nil declaration |
Karen Livingston | 13/09/22 | Hires school hall for weekly Pilates class |
Rev Dom Turner | 20/09/22 | Awaiting confirmation |
Terry Webb | 13/09/22 | Nil declaration |
Governors Attendance Record at Governing Body and
Committee Meetings 2024-2025
Standards Committee | Resources Committee | Admissions Committee | Pay Committee | Full Governing Body | |
Teresa Cole* | 2/2 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 1/2 |
Anna Skudder | 3/3 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 4/4 |
Anna Deane | n/a | 4/4 | n/a | n/a | 4/4 |
Abigail Fairbairn | 3/3 | 4/4 | 1/1 | 1/1 | 4/4 |
Francis Franks | 3/3 | 4/4 | 1/1 | 1/1 | 4/4 |
Leanne Harding* | 3/3 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 4/4 |
Richard Heath | 3/3 | 4/4 | 1/1 | 1/1 | 4/4 |
Nicola Hunt | n/a | 4/4 | n/a | n/a | 4/4 |
Karen Livingston | 3/3 | n/a | 1/1 | 1/1 | 4/4 |
Rev Sally Morris* | 1/1 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 1/1 |
Jaco Neethling | 3/3 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 4/4 |
Dom Turner | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 0/1 |
Terry Webb | n/a | 3/4 | n/a | n/a | 3/4 |
*Where a governor joined or left part way through the academic year, attendance is recorded from/until the date of their appointment/resignation |