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Lawford C of E Primary School

High quality learning and caring together in an encouraging Christian environment.

1S (Year 1, Mrs Stapleton)

Welcome to Year 1S

Autumn Term 2024




Our Learning

Continuous Provision 

For the Autumn term, we will be using Continuous Provision.

Continuous provision is an approach that offers a consistent set of learning opportunities for children. This approach is designed to support the development of key skills in a variety of areas, including language development, cognitive growth and social-emotional learning.


PE for Autumn term will take place on a Monday and Tuesday. 


Home Learning:



  • One reading level book per week. This is to be read 3 times. 1S change books on Wednesday.
  • Lucky Listener text: topic based text to be read to someone 3 times. Returned to class 1S on Tuesdays.
  • Library topic book of choice changed every Wednesday in 1S.
  • Please record all reading at home via Boom Reader so your child/children can be entered into the reading raffle. 


Little and often

  • High frequency words
  • Numbots  

Parent Notices


Autumn term PE will take place on Tuesdays and Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes into school wearing their full PE kit. Please also ensure your child's earrings are removed specifically for PE days. Earrings worn, which can not be to be removed by the child, will result in a missed PE session.


Reading at Home

Reading books will be changed on a Monday each week. When reading with your child, it is important to ask your child questions about what they have read to further develop their understanding of the text.


Reading At Home Raffle

The biggest impact parents can have on learning at school is reading with your children as regularly as possible at home. Home school books, books from the library, magazines, cereal boxes all count as home reading. To encourage the children to read as much as possible at home, EYFS and KS1 are continuing with a weekly reading raffle. We would like all Lawford children to read at least 4 times per week at home and for this to be recorded in their home planners. There is no need for lengthy comments after each read, just a simple: Book title, page number and adult’s name would work brilliantly each day. Every child who has read at least 4 times, and it is noted in their planners, will receive a raffle token on a Monday (to ensure weekend reads are included too). Each Monday, in each class, one raffle token will be pulled out of a hat and that child will win a reading prize.



Every weeks, the children will be set a handwriting task on Friday.  Teachers will give feedback on each child's progress.   We have also decided to introduce a new homework dojo for brilliant pieces of work. Children will not necessarily receive a dojo for each piece of homework submitted, but they will for brilliant effort and for going above and beyond. 

In addition to the handwritng homework, we would also like to encourage the Year 1 children to complete their Numbots tasks weekly.

Autumn Term:

Our Enquiry Question this term is...


‘How have schools changed since the Victorian times?’
