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Lawford C of E Primary School

High quality learning and caring together in an encouraging Christian environment.

2LS (Mrs Lawson and Mrs Smith)

2LS 2023-24

Welcome to 2LS 2023-24

Mrs Lawson, Mrs Smith and Miss Jones

Our weekly objectives and outcomes are on Class Dojo at the beginning of each week. Our curriculum overviews for each term can be found on the school website. 



Our Learning

PE for Summer term will take place on a Monday and Tuesday. 



  • One reading level book per week. This is to be read 3 times. 2LS change books on Mondays.
  • Lucky Listener text: topic based text to be read to someone 3 times. Returned to class 2LS on Mondays.
  • Library topic book of choice changed every Monday in 2LS.
  • Please record all reading at home via Boom Reader so your child/children can be entered into the reading raffle. 


Topic based projects

  • Every 3 weeks children will be set a topic based project to complete at home. This can be brought into school and shared on Dojo.


Little and often

  • High frequency words
  • Numbots and TT Rockstars (Summer Term) 


Summer term

Our enquiry question: How do I know I am at the seaside? 

We will be learning about the British seaside, in particular, Harwich. We will be exploring seaside locations in the UK and making comparisons by looking at human and physical features. 

Our Key Concepts

Conflict, Fairness, Power, Change, Identity, Care





Our trip to the seaside!

Spring Term Photos 2023-24

PE - Gymnastics

Maths - Multiplication and division

Art - taking inspiration from artist who use a lot of colour and paint including Marela Zacarias, Van Gogh and Cezanne

Autumn Term Photos 2023-24


This half term we have focused on place value and addition strategies. We use a wide range of equipment to support our mathematical understanding.


We have been busy in Literacy this half term. We researched, planned and wrote our own Polar fact files. We also completed excellent Bonfire Night themed acrostic poems. 


In science, we have been learning about animals including humans.



This half term, we have been explorers! We have found natural treasures to use within our art pieces.

Homework Tasks 
