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Lawford C of E Primary School

High quality learning and caring together in an encouraging Christian environment.

RC (Reception, Mrs Cemil)

Welcome to Foundation Stage!

Here you can find out about our learning and see what Early Years is all about.

Take a look inside our classroom...

Autumn Term 2024

Our enquiry question this term is 'Where did I come from and Where am I going?'


We will be learning about our families, our friends, different types of home, our local community and people who help us. We will also look at how we can help look after our local environment and the world around us. .


The key concepts that we will focus on mostly this term are.... 

Identity, Change and Care.


Scroll down to see what we have learnt this term.

Harvest Festival

We've been learning all about the Harvest festival. We know this is the time of year that farmers gather the crops and foods they have grown. We give thanks to God for all of the wonderful food he provides the world. We made some tasty Harvest soup! 

Our Families 

We've been learning about different types of families. Our families are all unique and special to us!

Summer Term 2024

Our enquiry question this term is 'What can I learn from a book?'


We will be using different types books to explore what we can learn from them. We will be looking at fiction and non-fiction texts with a key focus on what we can learn from them. Our mini topics are Space, Transport, The Ocean and Traditional Tales. 


The Key Concepts we will be focusing on this term are...


Identity, Change, Power, Fairness

What can we learn from a book about dinosaurs?


We have read books about how dinosaurs became extinct. We also looked at dinosaur fossils and made our own salt dough fossils. We loved drawing dinosaurs on J2E on the Ipads and small world in the classroom and outside area. 

What can we learn from a book about Under the Sea?

We've been using books to learn all about our different types of sea creatures. We have learnt lots of facts and written our own riddles. The rest of the class guessed our animal from our riddle. We looked at pollution in the ocean and read the story 'Someone swallowed Stanley'. We made our own bags out of t-shirts. 

What can we learn from a book about transport?

We've been using books to learn all about our different types of transport  and have been comparing transport from now with transport from the past. We visited Aerozone at Stansted Airport and explored air travel. We were very excited to see the planes taking off and landing. 


In D&T we have designed, made and evaluated our own car designs too! 

What can we learn from a book about space?

We've been using books to learn all about our solar system, our planet, the moon, astronauts and  space travel.

Spring 2  2024

Our enquiry question this half term is 'What food do we get from a farm?’


We will be learning about how farms work and what food we can get from them. We will be looking at life cycles and we will plant flowers and vegetables. We will also explore farming from the past. 


The key concepts that we will explore are 

Care, Change, Fairness.

Fun at the Farm! 

We had the most amazing day on our school trip to the farm! 

Butter Making

At forest school we have been busy making our own butter. We used cream and did lots of shaking until it churned into tasty butter! 

Life of a Chicken 

We know all about the life cycle of a chicken. We have also been learning all about foods we get from chickens. You can do a lot with eggs!


Seasonal Farming 

We have been learning about what happens on a farm during the different seasons. We know that choosing to eat seasonal fruit and vegetables is good for our world!

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly 

We have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. We used the ipads to film each other explaining  this cycle and uploaded it to our portfolios independently! 

Dairy Farming 

Farmer John and Farmer Katie came to speak to us about life on a dairy farm. We learnt what cows like to eat, how much milk one cow produces and we were amazed how many food products contain milk! 

Spring 1 2024

Our enquiry question this half term is 'Does chocolate grow on trees?’


We will be learning about where chocolate comes from and the journey it goes on before we can eat it


The key concepts that we will explore are 

Change, Power, Fairness, Care.

Wonka's Chocolate Factory! 

We've loved playing in our Wonka roleplay area this term! 

Chocolate Lollipops! 

We've had lots of fun in D&T this term. We have researched, designed, made and evaluated our very own chocolate lollipops! Look how fabulous they were...

More Chocolate Fun! 

We have been learning about how the cocoa bean is made into tasty bars of chocolate in a chocolate factory. We tasted different types of chocolate and decided which was our favourite. We also walked to our local shop to buy chocolate. We decided that lots of hard work went into making our tasty treats! 

The Journey of Chocolate

We've been learning all about the journey of chocolate from the Cacao tree all the way to the chocolate factory. Look at our brilliant maps....

Autumn Term 2

Our enquiry question this term is 'What jobs keep our world moving?’


We will be learning about different types of jobs and the role they play in our world. We will be exploring these jobs through books, art and design, role play and real life experiences! 


The key concepts that we will explore are 

Identity, Power, Conflict, Care.


Scroll down to see what we have learnt this term.

Police Officers 

Our final job this term was Police Officers. We know how they help keep us safe. 

Postal Workers

We've been learning all about the postal system! We wrote special letters to Santa and posted them. 


We've been learning about the role of vets and how they help look after our pets. We also thought about how pets make us feel!   



We had a special visit from the dental nurse. She taught us how to look after our teeth. We've been investigating how different drinks affect our teeth too. 

Doctors and Nurses

Dr Ryan came to visit us. He talked to us about his role as a doctor and we learnt how to stay safe around medicines. We also learnt about the importance of washing our hands. 


We have been learning about the role of a firefighter. We know how to stay safe around fire at home and on bonfire night. We know how firefighters keep us safe!

Autumn Term 2023

Our enquiry question this term is 'Where did I come from and Where am I going?'


We will be learning about our families, our friends, different types of home, our local community and people who help us. We will also look at how we can help look after our local environment and the world around us. .


The key concepts that we will focus on mostly this term are.... 

Identity, Change and Care.


Scroll down to see what we have learnt this term.

Our Homes

We've been learning about different types of homes. Our homes are special to us because we share them with the people we love! We compared homes around the world and homes from the past.

Where we live

We've been exploring where we live. We walked walked to our local parked and then drew maps of our journey.

Harvest Festival

We've been learning all about the Harvest festival. We know this is the time of year that farmers gather the crops and foods they have grown. We give thanks to God for all of the wonderful food he provides the world. 


We've been looking closely at ourselves and have created some beautiful self-portraits. We made careful colour choices and made sure we included all of our facial features. 



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Our Families 

We've been learning about different types of families. Our families are all unique and special to us!

Summer Term 2022

Our enquiry question this term is 'What can I learn from a book?'


We will be using different types books to explore what we can learn from them. We will be looking at fiction and non-fiction texts with a key focus on what we can learn from them. Our mini topics are Dinosaurs, Space, Transport, Superheroes and Traditional Tales. 


The Key Concepts we will be focusing on this term are...


Identity, Change, Power, Fairness

Supertato to the Rescue!

We have been busy creating our own Supertato comic strips!

Brilliant Bewilderwood! 

We had a wonderful day exploring Bewilderwood on our school trip! 


King Charles and the Coronation 

We have been learning all about our King. We design him a new and very special robe! 


We have really enjoyed the book Emma Jane's Aeroplane. This book inspired us to research different parts of the world and write postcards to our friends and family. We also designed and made our very own vehicles in D&T. 

Astronaut Training

We took part in a special astronaut training day. We wore real space suit and used real space gloves!  

Fossils and the extinction of dinosaurs.

We have been thinking about how we know what dinosaurs looked like. We learnt all about fossils and the role of a palaeontologist. We also learnt thay scientists believe an asteroid hit Earth and caused the extinction of dinosaurs.

That's not my dinosaur! 

We are authors! Look at our amazing writing! 

What can we learn about dinosaurs? 

We've been using a range of non- fiction books to answer questions about dinosaurs. We found out which dinosaur was the smallest and biggest, what dinosaurs ate, what they looked like and so much more!

We have also enjoyed exploring fiction books about dinosaurs. We had a visit for Tyrannosaurus Drip and even made him a tasty herbivore snack box!

Spring 2  2023

Our enquiry question this half term is 'What food do we get from a farm?’


We will be learning about how farms work and what food we can get from them. We will be looking at life cycles and we will plant flowers and vegetables. We will also explore farming from the past. 


The key concepts that we will explore are 

Care, Change, Fairness.

Our fabulous farm trip! 

What do plants need to grow? 

Our experiment showed us that plants need water, air and sunlight to grow healthily. 

Look at how much we've learnt about what food we get from the farm....


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Life Cycles

We've been learning about the life cycles of butterflies, frogs, chickens and sunflowers. 

From Farm to Fork

We've been finding out about different foods we get from the farm. We enjoyed using ingredients from the farm to make delicious pancakes too! 

Healthy Choices 

We have been learning how to make healthy choices. We know we need to aim for 5 fruits or vegetables a day! 

Spring 1 2023

Our enquiry question this half term is 'Does chocolate grow on trees?’


We will be learning about where chocolate comes from and the journey it goes on before we can eat it. We will be focusing on life in Africa.


The key concepts that we will explore are 

Change, Power, Fairness, Care.

Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory

Our class story has been Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. We have really enjoyed this text and Mr Wonka sent us on a important mission to design and make our very own special chocolate lollypops. We researched, designed, made and evaluated our products! 

Maths Through Stories 

For Maths Through Stories day we read the book Ten Black Dots by Donald Crews. 

We made our own pictures using black dots. Aren't they amazing?! 


Chinese New Year

We have really enjoyed learning about Chinese New year. This year is the year of the Rabbit, some of us were born in the year of the rooster and others were born in the year of the dog! We have been busy cooking and trying traditional Chinese dishes, making Chinese lanterns and dragons and we even had our own dragon parade! 

The Journey of Chocolate 

We have been learning about the journey of chocolate. We learnt that chocolate is made using Cocoa beans which are found inside pods that grow in a Cacao tree. We created our own maps showing the journey from bean to shop.  


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Still image for this video

Autumn Term 2 2022

Our enquiry question this term is 'What jobs keep our world moving?’


We will be learning about different types of jobs and the role they play in our world. We will be exploring these jobs through books, art and design, role play and real life experiences! 


The key concepts that we will explore are 

Identity, Power, Conflict, Care.

When we grow up....

We've ended our enquiry question this term by thinking about what we would like to be when we grow up! We have great aspirations! 

Crime Scene

Our elves Reg and Lily went missing! We had to solve the clues and design posters to help find them! 

Police Officers 

We had some very special visitors from the Essex police force. They came into talk to us about how they keep us safe. We also got to meet some very special police dogs. They were very clever and could sniff out hidden objects! 

Postal Workers 

We have really enjoyed learning about the role of postal workers. We wrote special letters to Santa and posted them in our local post box! 

The Dentist

We've been learning about the role of the dentist. We know how to look after our teeth and which foods and drinks are good or bad for our teeth.

Doctors and Nurses 

We have been learning about the very important role doctors and nurses have. We were lucky enough to have Dr Ryan visit us to talk to us about his role in the intensive care unit. 

We have been learning how to stay safe around medicines too. 


We've been exploring 2D shapes in maths. We were inspired by Kandinsky's circles and created our own super circles! 


We've been thinking about how vets help us and our pets. We loved talking about how our pets make us feel and even thought about what our dream pet might be. Colchester zoo is celebrating it's 60th birthday next year so we also took the opportunity to be part of their celebrations by decorating special pebbles for their birthday garden! 


We have been learning about the role of a firefighter. We know how to stay safe around fire at home and on bonfire night. We know how firefighters keep us safe! 

Autumn Term 2022

Our enquiry question this term is 'Where did I come from and Where am I going?'


We will be learning about our families, our friends, different types of home, our local community and people who help us. We will also look at how we can help look after our local environment and the world around us. .


The key concepts that we will focus on mostly this term are.... 

Identity, Change and Care.


Scroll down to see what we have learnt this term.

Where we live

We went for a walk around Lawford to explore our local area. We walked to the park and then made maps of our journey! 


We've been learning about different types of family. Our families are very special to us. 

Our Homes 

We've been exploring different types of homes in our local area and have then compared them with homes from around the world. Take a look at our amazing junk model homes! 

Self Portraits 

We have been busy creating self portraits. We thought carefully about the shapes we needed and our colour choices. 

We have also been practising our cutting skills and have made collages of ourselves in our new school uniform. 


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Summer Term 2022

Our enquiry question this term is 'What can I learn from a book?'


We will be using different types books to explore what we can learn from them. We will be looking at fiction and non-fiction texts with a key focus on what we can learn from them. Our mini topics are Dinosaurs, Space, Transport, Superheroes and Traditional Tales. 


The Key Concepts we will be focusing on this term are...


Identity, Change, Power, Fairness


Our class text has been Supertato! We've created our own comic strips and have been thinking about who our heroes are! 


We have designed vehicles suitable for Mr Owl. We chose our materials and used tools to make our cars. We then evaluated our designs and thought about how we could improve them. I think you'll agree that they're fantastic! 

Emma Jane's Aeroplane 

We have been exploring the story of Emma Jane's Aeroplane. We used our world map to find all the amazing places she visited in the story. We then went on our own adventures around the world and researched what it would be like and what we might see there. We wrote some brilliant postcards to our friends. We had cocktails in Cyprus, went on a boat trip across the Thames, saw pandas in China and ate cheesy pizzas in Italy! 

Astronaut Training! 

We received some incredible astronaut training from one of our mummy's that works for NASA! We tried on a real spacesuit, used space gloves and explored how craters are created. We are now level 1 qualified astronauts.


We have been exploring books about Space. We have enjoyed learning lots of interesting facts about our Solar System. 

Dinosaur Exploration

As part of our enquiry we wanted to find out....

1. How dinosaurs became extinct? 

2. How we know dinosaurs existed? 

We carried out an investigation to see what the impact of a meteor hitting the earth would be and also found out how fossils are formed and how paleontologists use them to find out about dinosaurs. 

That's Not My Dinosaur! 

We have been creating our own versions of 'That's not my dinosaur'. Look at our amazing adjectives!  


We have been exploring books about dinosaurs. We have really enjoyed 'Tyrannosaurus Drip' by Julia Donaldson and we were particularly excited with Drip visited our school! The dinosaurs even joined in with Forest School! 

Spring Term 2022

Our theme this term is 'Where does our food come from?'


We will be learning about the journey chocolate goes through to arrive in our shops with a focus on life in Kenya. We will be exploring different countries in which our food grows and how it gets to the UK. We will also be focusing on life cycles of humans, animals and creatures.


The Key Concepts we will be focusing on this term are...


Fairness, Change, Power, Care

Random Acts of Kindness 

This term we took part in Random Acts of Kindness week. We made kindness clouds for our friends, thank you cards for our loved ones and we presented our wonderful kitchen staff with a poster of appreciation! We also made rainbows for the residents at our local care home and these really brightened their day! 

The Easter Story 

In our RE lessons this term we have been learning about why Easter is such a special time for Christians. We have been exploring the stories of 'The Last Supper', 'Palm Sunday' and 'The Easter Story'.

We worked together together to make a cross which is now displayed in our Forest School area.  


International Woman's Day.

We have been learning all about Bessie Coleman and her incredible achievements.
Bessie inspired us to design and make our own planes. We also thought about he women in our lives that inspire us. We are surrounded by AMAZING female role models! 

Life Cycles 

 We have learnt about the life cycle of hens, frogs and butterflies.  We have hatched chicks in class and we are now watching them grow! We also have our own caterpillars in class and we are observing them as they transform into butterflies. 

Bug Hotels 

At Forest School we have been creating some luxury bug hotels for the creepy crawlies! 

Chocolate Lollipops!


We have really enjoyed learning about where chocolate comes from and have learnt so much along the way. In class we have been listening to Roald Dahl's 'Charlie and The Chocolate Factory' so we decided to design and make our very own chocolate lollipops. We decided on the ingredients, created brand names for them and also designed our own packaging. We then got to eat them and they were delicious! 

Kandinsky Masterpieces! 


We have been learning about the artist Kandinsky. We found out that he mixed colours when he painted so we investigated which new colours we could make when mixing them. We then created our own versions of Kandinsky's circles artwork using hearts. We joined our artwork together to make one class piece and we think you'll agree that it looks beautiful! 

Chinese New Year 


We have been learning all about Chinese New Year and the story of The Great Race! We were born in the year of the Monkey or the Rooster! 

Handa's Surprise


In our Talk 4 Writing sessions we have been exploring Handa's Surprise. We have been learning that some fruits we enjoy cannot be grown in our country and they need a hotter climate to grow. Bananas, pineapples, mangoes, oranges, guavas, passion fruits and avocados are all grown in countries in Africa. 


We have been learning the story of Handa's Surprise and have created our own story maps. We also created our own fruit songs using instruments and sounds to represent each fruit in the story! Finally we wrote our own versions of the story which were amazing! We changed the fruits in the story to fruits we can grow here in the UK! 

Buying and Enjoying Chocolate! 


After learning about how far our chocolate has travelled we walked to our local shop to buy some! We looked carefully for the 'Fairtrade' symbol and bought bars of Fairtrade Chocolate. We then enjoyed a delicious chocolate fountain. We found out where bananas, grapes, strawberries and marsh mellows come from too! 

Does Chocolate Grow on Trees?


We have been learning about the journey of chocolate. We know that that chocolate is made from Cocoa beans and the beans grow in pods on a Cacao tree. We have been making maps that show the long journey chocolate makes from the the Cacao tree in Africa to our shops here in the UK. 

Fun at Forest School


We've been having so much fun at Forest School this term. Take a look.....

Autumn Term 2021

Our theme this term is 'Me and My Wonderful World' 

We will be learning about our families, our friends, different types of home, our local community and people who help us. We will also look at how we can help look after our local environment and the world around us. .


The key concepts that we will explore are 

Identity, Change and Care.


Scroll down to see what we have learnt this term.


When I grow up day! 


To conclude our focus on different types of jobs and how different jobs help us we celebrated with a dress up day. All the children came dressed as what job they would like to do when they are older. They then created collages of themselves doing that job. We are so proud of all the children's enthusiasm towards this topic this half term, they have learnt so much! 

How do firefighters help us?


We started our week by looking in our Talking Tub, we discussed the different items and thought about how a firefighter may use them. We then had a visit from some firefighters who told us what to do if there was ever a fire in our house. We then got to have a look at the fire engine and even got to use the giant hose!!! We ended our week with sparklers to celebrate Bonfire night. We also toasted marshmallows over the fire.

How do vets help us?


We spoken about how vets help our pets which then helps us because our pets make us feel happy and loved. We shared pictures of our pets and discussed how we care for them. We wrote instructions for how to look after our pets using the sentence openers First, Next and Finally. At the end of the week we had a visit from a Vet who told us about her job and then we got to be vet detectives and guess what the dogs had swallowed on the x-rays. 

How do doctors and nurses help us?


We had a visit from a doctor with a rapid response vehicle, he showed us the different items he carries to an emergency and we even got to meet Annie the CPR dummy. We have started reading George's Marvellous Medicine as our class text, we created our own  crazy medicines and also wrote a recipe for these. We also discussed how to keep safe with medicines.

How does the dentist help us?


We had a dental nurse come and visit us and talk to us about how we can look after our teeth. We learnt about what different types of food and drinks can do to our teeth. We learnt the correct way to brush our teeth and have even asked our parents for a timer when brushing them at home! We carried out an experiment using eggs to see the impact sugar has on our teeth.

The Naughty Bus goes to Manningtree

We have been exploring 'The Naughty Bus' by Jan Oke. We learnt to recite the story using Talk for Writing and then took our own Naughty Bus on an adventure in our local area. We then became authors and created our own version of the story! 


We really enjoy our daily phonics lessons. We have been learning how to say and write our sounds. We have also started to segment and blend CVC words now too! 

Our Homes 

We have been thinking about the similarities and differences between our homes. We have also looked at houses from around the world. We have had great fun recreating our houses using junk modeling, drawings and various other construction materials. 

Self Portraits 

We have been learning how to create self portraits. We know that we need a face, eyes, nose and a mouth and have been making sure we put these in the correct positions on our face. We have been thinking carefully about our colour choices and looking closely to see what colour our eyes and hair are. 

Welcome to Foundation Stage 2020-2021

Summer Term

Our key questions this term will be 'How does your garden grow?' and 'What is life like under the sea?'

We will be thinking about how all creatures are different and like different things, just like us! We will learn how animals adapt to live in different environments and will have a focus on how we can help protect these environments. We will learn about lifecycles and begin to recognise similarities and differences between living things. We will be using the iPads, computers and controllable toys to support our learning in ICT too.


The key concepts we will explore this term are Beauty, Influence, Pride, Sustainability and Trust. 



Parent Notices



Summer PE will take place on Tuesday afternoon. Due to current procedures, please ensure your child comes in to school wearing their full PE kits on Tuesdays. 


Reading at Home

Reading books will be changed on a Tuesday each week. The children will receive two books per week to share with you at home. 


Forest School

Forest School sessions will take place every Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. 


Scroll down to see what we have learnt this term. Parent notices will be sent out via Dojo.



Our First School Trip!

We had a fabulous day out at The Museum of East Anglian Life. We explored the farm and even made our own butter!


In PE this term we have been practising our ball skills. We have been working on throwing, catching, controlling our ball with a racket and hitting targets. 

The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

We have been exploring books by Eric Carle. So far we have enjoyed The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Very Busy Spider and The Bad Tempered Ladybird. We have become authors and have created our very own story books. Mrs Cemil and Mrs Dennis have been very impressed! 

New Arrivals! 

We have had some exciting new arrivals in class! Our eggs hatched and we have 4 very fluffy yellow chicks. We have named our new little friends Tom, Honor, Derek and Rainbow Unicorn Sparkle. We are busy looking after them now and watching them grow. 

Fun at Forest School 

We have been having lots of fun exploring our woods. Grandfather Oak tree has been very impressed with how much respect we have shown for the woods and the creatures living there. So far, we have enjoyed climbing trees, making delicious dishes in our mud kitchen and some brilliant bug hunting! 

Spring Term 2020-21


Our key question this term is... How can we light up our world


We will begin by exploring the world of light and dark. We will be learning about nocturnal animals and how these animals adapt to the world of darkness. Our light and dark focus will then lead into a brief look at Space, planets in our solar system and the light we get from the sun and moon. We will then focus on caring for our world and the importance of our roles and responsibilities in protecting and preserving the world around us. We will also hatch our own chicks as Easter nears and will have a mini ‘farm’ topic where we will learn where our food comes from and how we can  make responsible choices related to what we choose to eat.  


The key concepts that we will explore are 

Duty, Change, Choice and Community


Scroll down to see what we have learnt this term. Parent notices will be sent out via Dojo. 

Comic Relief!

We had a fabulous superhero day for Comic Relief! We decided that every child should have...
A home
A school
And someone to look after them.
We feel really proud that our money will help others ♥️

The Runaway Pancake! 

We've been having great fun exploring the story of The Runaway Pancake! We wrote our own shopping lists and made some delicious pancakes...luckily they did not run away! 

Back together! 

We have missed our friends so much during lockdown and we are all incredibly happy to be back together! 

Autumn Term 2020


Our key question this term is "What makes me amazing?

We will be learning about our families, our local environment and all about our bodies and how to keep them healthy.


The key concepts that we will explore are 

Identity, Belonging and Difference.


Scroll down to see what we have learnt this term and for parent notices.....

Christmas Time in Foundation Stage

We have had lots of fun celebrating Christmas together. We took part in the Santa dash, created masterpieces in our Santa's workshop, role played in our Nativity area, made our own Christmas crackers and card and even had time to bake delicious mince pies! 

Remembrance Day 2020

Kandinsky Artwork

We have been learning all about circles and triangles in our maths sessions. We have been looking closely at a famous artist called Kandinsky and have created our own masterpieces! 


All About Us


We have been learning 'All About Us.'  We have had fun playing in our doctors surgery, treating broken legs and coughs and colds.  We have listened to the story Funnybones, making our own skeletons and collaging skulls.  We drew around one of our friends and labelled all the parts of the body that we knew.  We impressed our teachers with how many we knew!  We have also learnt all about our five senses and have been  exploring how we use them. We played 'Guess the smell' and 'Guess the sound.'  Some of these really surprised us.  We also made our own musical instruments and thought about how each one made a sound.

Getting to Know Each Other

We have all settled in very well and have enjoyed getting to know each other. We have made new friends and have been fantastic at sticking to our class expectations of being Kind, Safe and Responsible. Take a look at our pictures to see what we have been up to in class so far....


Parent Notices 

As it stands, we will be doing PE on both Monday and Friday morning. Please make sure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit.


Reading books are changed and sent home once a week. Books will be changed on a Tuesday and we will send 2 home per week. To help us with this please could you indicate in your child’s planner when they have finished reading their reading book by writing ‘complete’ or by simply ticking next to the title. We would like the children to read a minimum of 4 times per week please. At this stage, the reading books are quite short and some children may complete them on the first night they bring them home, however, it is still essential to try and read a little each night. It is helpful to read each book several times. As they become more fluent on the second/third read they will become more confident in their ability and can begin to focus on their understanding of the text they are reading rather than simply decoding. Please also feel free to read library books and other texts such as comics or on-screen texts with your child, if you could write this in the planner too it enables us to talk about it with your child. You will be able to access a wealth of online books too using your child’s Bug Club account Bug club log in and password codes are in the front of planners.


Each week we will post you a summary of key learning via Dojo class story. Please keep an eye out for this as it may help you to chat about your child’s day at home and also support them in their learning.


Once the children have settled and the government restrictions allow us to do so, we will be having ‘stay and play’ sessions. These sessions will give you the chance to come into the classroom and share your child’s learning journey with them. We will send you dates and times for these as soon as we can.


Please feel free to speak to us about anything. If we cannot answer your question straight away we will always endeavour to find the answer.


Mrs Cemil and Mrs Dennis   

Our Learning Powers!


To display our 5 learning powers we need to be Resilient, an Evaluator, a Collaborator, Motivated and Trust worthy. When we display these amazing powers we take home one of our mascots for the evening. Can you guess which mascot matches which power?

Spring Term in Foundation Stage


Our Big Question this term is 'How can we light up the world?' 

We will begin by exploring the world of light and dark. We will be learning about nocturnal animals and how these animals adapt to the world of darkness. We will be thinking at length about the role of other members of our community, most specifically, farmers! We will talk about the role of a farmer and farming and discover where our food comes from. We will then focus on caring for our world and the importance of our roles and responsibilities in protecting and preserving the world around us.

We love to construct!
Our trip to Hollytrees Museum

We are learning to move our bodies in different ways.

We are trying really hard to write our names! 

Forest School

Foundation Stage absolute love being in the woods! We have enjoyed making mud faces, climbing trees and bug hunting plus many more fun activities. We love to sit in the log circle listening to each others thoughts and feelings whilst sipping on some yummy hot chocolate too!  

