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Lawford C of E Primary School

High quality learning and caring together in an encouraging Christian environment.

Year 5

Year 5 - Summer Term 2024

Key Concepts - Identity, change, fairness, conflict, care and power.

Our topic this term is.. Ancient Greeks and Egypt.


How did the Ancient Greeks influence today’s society? 


English - the children will read and discuss a range of texts including poetry, biographies and traditional myths. 

Reading - our class reading text this term will be ‘Who let the Gods out?’ By Max Evans


Maths - decimals and percentages, perimeter and area, negative numbers, converting units and volume. 

Science - looking at properties of materials and their everyday uses. Analysing changes of state and the reverse of these. 


Humanities - understand Ancient Greece and the Egyptian way of life. 


RE - looking at what difference the resurrection makes to Christians? 
How do Hindu’s make sense of the world? 

Computing - understand computer networks, create a range of programs and use technology safely.


French - prepare and practice simple conversations, understand and express simple opinions linked to holidays. 


PE - will be on a Monday and Friday for the first half of the Summer term.

Year 5 - spring term 2024


Key Concepts - Identity, change, fairness, conflict, care and power.

Our topic this term is Space..

Is anyone out there?


We also have a history focus this term..

How can we discover what Ancient Egypt was like 5000 years ago?


English - we will be looking at a range of texts including science fiction, poetry and non-fiction. Linked to how the universe works we will plan, draft and edit explanation texts.

We will also be performing our own compositions and play scripts (focusing on the Easter story)


Maths - long multiplication, short division with remainders, multiplying fractions, rounding decimals and finding equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. 

RE - we will be looking at what we can learn about the meaning of life from the great philosophers. 

Science - we will look at the Sun, Earth and Moon, looking at how the Earth rotates to describe day and night. We will investigate gravity, air resistance, water resistance and friction between moving objects. 

Geography/History - explore the use of sources to discover what times were like during the Ancient Egyptian period. We will also be looking at the River Nile. 


French - prepare and practice simple conversations. Understanding and expressing simple opinions. 

Music - comparing music pieces including ‘Mars’ from Holst and ‘The Planets’ by the BBC National Orchestra of Wales. 

Computing - design, input and test a complex set of instructions, write simple programs that follow a sequence of instructions. 

Art - understand that when designers work with font and layout, it is called Typography! We will explore this and create our own. 

PE - will be on a Monday and Tuesday for the first half of the Spring term. Monday will be football and Tuesday will be Bollywood dancing. 

On 14th March, Year 5 went to the Royal Air Force Museum in London for a school workshop. We looked at Satellites and as a class were set a mission to create the best heat shields for our satellite and then to create a parachute to bring the satellite safely back down to Earth again. We also had some time to explore 🛰️ 

Year 5 - 2023/24

Autumn Term


Key Concepts - Identity, change, fairness, conflict, care and power.

Our enquiry question this term…

How can we save the rainforests? 

Not only are we exploring this through Geography but we are also using English, including our class text 'Journey to the River Sea', Science and Music as cross curricular links to deepen our investigation.

Class reading book - Journey to the river sea. 

Art - native birds - working on contour drawings. 


Geography - looking at types of forests biomes, the Amazon River, deforestation and fair trade. 


RE (philosophy) - Is believing in God reasonable? 


Music - musical forests/ body percussion.


DT - forest school frame structures - constructing rainforest shelters from natural resources. 


Science - living things and their habitats, life cycles and process of reproduction. 


Maths - place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division & fractions. 


English - non-chronological reports based on our rainforest topic.


PE - will be on a Thursday and Friday for the first half of the Autumn term. 


Home reading - we will be encouraging the children to read 4 times per week at home where possible.

Homework - this may link to work that has taken place in class and will serve as a source of revision or it may be project based and will link to an upcoming lesson. Some homework will be set online but during the first half term, we will be using paper until the children have been trained on Office 365.




Forest school will be timetabled during the Autumn term as it is linked with our rainforest topic. 

Forest School Clothing includes;

• Waterproofs

• a comfortable pair of trousers, such as jogging bottoms

• a long sleeved T-shirt or top

• a thick jumper 

• wellies or sturdy closed toe shoes, which you do not mind getting wet and muddy.


(A fleecy zip up jacket and a pair of thick wool or fluffy bed socks could be brought in, just in case)


Much like PE kit, children who have forest school that day come to school wearing their forest school clothing.

Banham Zoo Trip



On 10th October we took a trip to Banham Zoological Gardens in Norfolk to enrich our knowledge on lifecycles and to experience the climate of the rainforest. We had fabulous weather and enjoyed various exhibitions and displays that were on throughout the day. 

Junior Ambassador Project

This year we are taking part in the Junior Ambassador Project run by Tendring County Council in partnership with Colchester United Community Foundation. We are learning about different cultures, as Britain is a multi-cultural society, so that we may help alleviate racism and discrimination.

In our programme this year we have the following sessions:

  • African Culture Workshop
  • Chinese Calligraphy Workshop
  • Ukrainian Culture Workshop (new)
  • Author Workshop
  • Artist Workshop
  • Visit to the Princes Theatre for a Celebration Event - parents invited. 